Friday, September 4, 2015

People complain so much these days even about the littlest things.They don't think about how blessed they are or what they have when others aren't as fortunate.There's others worse off & even fighting for their life just to live.You wanna know Struggles try living your whole life & battling a terminal disease.Try pushing yourself everyday even when you don't want to.There's days I have my struggles where I feel exhausted & don't want to get out of bed.I find whatever motivation I can & always push myself.I work out 5 days a week & keep trying to get Stronger but that doesn't mean I still don't struggle with my disease.My disease can slow me down.Even in the gym I can't do some things but the key is to keep trying & do the best I can.My disease can give me a hard time,slow me down,or even stop me from doing daily things in my life.Not only that,I have things I have to deal with having a trachea.Cleaning the filters I go through,doing treatments daily to prevent getting sick & dealing with the asthma I got from having a trachea.I just have to keep pushing my self everyday & do the best I can.Even the Strongest people struggle with things in their life.I have scars all over my body that proves how hard I have fought & what I been through.Death is easy but living that's the hard part.There's things beyond what you see from a person.I have to live with what I been through,what I seen,& knowing I can't give up.The things I been through & seen can really screw a person up.You can't let them get to you.At one point because of so much happened I wanted to give up. Everything had a toll on me & really messed my head up but I had to fight & see beyond everything.I'm so much stronger than I ever imagined I would be.Life doesn't always go as planned but it always works out.Just not always how you thought.I always try to be active seeing new things,have great experiences,& just make the most out of life.For 20 years I could talk & then I woke up not being able to.I was scared,confused,& didn't have a clue how I would go on.Its a daily struggle & isn't something I like but I won't & can't let it stop me.I can't go up to people & talk to them.I can't talk on the telephone,My family won't be able to hear my voice like talking to my parents,sister,niece, nephew, future kids or etc.Things will be harder for me whether I have a job,are in school,or even the littlest things but I believe if it's in God's plan.One day I'll get my voice back. If not that's ok to.I have made peace with not being able to talk & everything I been through in life.You go through life & been through so much you can let it get to you or you can get up every day with a smile on your face & put away the things that try to stop you.Most people would let things get to them or it could have a big effect on them.Living with a terminal disease,have had almost 30 surgeries,been in a coma,having a trachea,getting weekly infusions, waking up not being able to do anything having to work to regain your strength,& not being able to talk have all had a BIG effect on me but it's what made me who I am but also all had changed me into who I am.You got to be stronger than anything that can bring you done.You have the ability to do something great in the world & it's all up to you.People need you every day even if you don't see it.You have a gift that can change people's lives.Life doesn't go the way you want it to but it goes the way it's plan.I definelty have experienced that but I been very blessed.You have to look at it this way or remember this.Next time you think your life is hard,you can't go on,or your feeling down or complaining.Don't because there's people out there fighting bigger battles than you.Fighting to have a life or fight just to live.Don't do it for me,your family,or your friends. Do it for the people who can't,who don't get a chance but mostly for yourself because your worth more than that.I strive to be a good man,a good son,uncle,& friend.It can be hard to do something good or something that matters.I could drink or smoke to relieve my pain but that wouldn't do anything.I wanted to do what other normal teens do when they graduate high school & go off to college & find themselves but my case wasn't like that.But in a way I did find out who I am & what I want to do.It did change me.i have high expectations for myself because I know I'm worth & stronger than that.I believe that should go to anyone to feel that way.Nobody is worthless.No matter who says it.There is a lot of negative people these days & people always try to bring others down.I know where my place is & it took me a long time to realize & see it.We all have our faults & make mistakes but we're all human.Thats what makes us into who we are.Our mistakes don't define us.What does define us is who we are & what we do in this world. You can't let your mistakes or obstacles hold you back.Be stronger than them.One act of random kindness can be a great thing & have a bigger impact than you know.Know how much potential you have & how Strong you truly are.You are pilot in your own life.
Life doesn't always go the way you want it to & you may feel like things won't ever get better but they will.No matter what happens things could always be worse or you could be worse off.Things don't go as we plan it but it goes the way it's planed.Just like everything always works out just not always how we thought.The things we go through build us into a better & stronger person.Certain people go through more because God has a bigger plan for them & to use them to help others.We all make mistakes. Mistakes don't define us.What defines us is what we do after them & if we use them to make us into a better person.Don't let them hold you back.Just move forward & try to do better.Your a hard worker & tough as hell.A lot more than most people these days.God's got big plans for you.Don't forget that.Your living proof of that.The people close to you have seen you at your best & at your worst.No matter what I bet they think no matter what your position in life or how things affect you.Your still the best.You shine bright in many people's eyes.Your destiny for greatness.Now get out there & show the world who you are & what you can do.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Never forget who you are.Not only as a person but a being who influences & helps others more than you know. The things you do or say does not go unappreciated or unnoticed.You are an extraordinary person with a big heart.Things like that are hard to find these days.The hard work you put in into your job,family,friends,& your life shows.You have more potential than you think & are stronger than you know.When we get kicked down & feel like we can't get up.Thats when you reach down deep & give it all you got.Sometimes when you feel like you got nothing left is when you don't realize how much you do have left.The Strongest people have the hardest past.They can get through it & you can too.One day you'll be telling people what got you through it, how you got through it & how they should to.Life's never guarantee to go the way you want it to but life is what we make it.You are in control of your own destiny.
Know your worth.Keep doing what you do best.Don't let people or anything bring you down.Through life you'll face challenges & struggles but you can get through them.Your so much Stronger than you know & you have more potential than you think.You can get through anything. The way you are & the way you handle things separate you than other people.You do amazing handling things.You grow as you go through life.Your not the same person as last month,last year,or no matter how long ago.Life makes us Stronger & different as we grow up.The things we go through & what we face.You should never give up on your dreams or goals.You have the ability to do whatever you want.It just takes hard work & for you to believe in yourself. People are ALWAYS going to say things.People can say stuff to you all your life but they are wrong.People like you are about breaking the odds,showing the world what you can do,& send the world a message. Keep doing what you do & never give up.You got so many great things ahead of you.You deserve the best! Always stay true to yourself & follow your heart.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Things are going to happen in life. They're going to be good things & there's going to be bad things.Some are going to hurt like hell.But you have to keep going.Your stronger than whatever happens.Life doesn't go as planned & that's okay.It helps build you into a stronger & better person.You just have to make the best of things.You have no idea the potential you have.You can accomplish anything you set your mind to.You just have to believe in yourself.It doesn't matter what anybody says.Its up to you to do it. You don't need to do it for your friends,your family,or for anyone else but yourself Believe it or not you truly make a difference in this world & in many people's lives.You have a gift that no one else has.You have no idea what you can do.You are special in your own way & your going to go far in life.Always keep pushing yourself no matter how hard it gets & Never give up.You are in charge of your own destiny & you are destine for greatness.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

When you get up in the morning everyday know the true potential you have.There's always going to be things that try to hold you back or people that tell you that you can't do it.Don't listen to them.You have to have Faith in yourself & believe in yourself.There's many people in your life who do believe in you.You have no idea the amount of potential you have & what you can do.You make this world a better place.There's so many things that go on in the world that can bring you down but you can't focus on them.Forget the negative & see the positive.If you look closely you can see the beauty of the world & what it has to offer.We all are trying to find ourselves & make something out of our lives.You can do it.Not for me,not for others,but for yourself.All your hard work will pay off one day.You just can't give up or lose faith.You got to continue to work hard,remember who you are & what you want,but also enjoy life.Not everyone makes it but there is a reason why your here & a reason for everything that happens.Its all part of the greater plan.It can be hard to understand sometimes.You may not be where you want to be at but your right where God wants you to be. Everyday whether you see it or not you inspire people & make a different.One random act of kindness is all it takes to change the world.If you can do that or do that ,you already are making the world a better place.
People make excuses to do things in life all the time.You are the only one in control of your life.Whether you want to sit back & let life difficulties bring you down or You can get up & fight & make something out of your life.People complain so much these days & even about the stupidest littlest things.Things could be worse or you could be worse off.There's people fighting for there life out there or even fighting to have a life.No matter what happens in your life.Its not the end of the world.No matter what life goes on.Yes things go wrong,our life doesn't go as plan,& our worse nightmares can happen but you can get through them.You can do anything you want in life & be who you want to be.That's the greatest thing in life.You can be as Strong as you want to be.You have the ability to be a role model or a leader to people.Wherever you go you influence people with who you are & how you see things.The question is are you going to give up & be like most people these days? Or are you going to believe in yourself, make a difference,& do big things in life.You have no clue how much potential or how Strong you truly are.