Friday, September 30, 2011

8.Do we have a fair taxation system?

Few would dispute that under an equitable tax system, the contribution we each make toward funding the services that our governments provide for us should be roughly commensurate with our ability to pay, our financial means. A household’s financial means is largely determined by its wealth - its net worth - probably to a greater extent than its income.
As the country emerges from its latest financial crisis, it will need to increase revenues to pay for the various financial bailouts; our two wars; and investment in the long-neglected and interrelated priorities of education, accessible health care for all, medical research, energy independence, environmental protection, economic infrastructure, financial industry regulation, domestic security, and international aid. The private sector has little incentive to fund these priorities because the return or payoff on such investments takes many, many years to be realized and is spread diffusely throughout society. Therefore, these priorities require funding from government, that is from all taxpayers
Even with the elimination of wasteful government expenditures, failure to increase government revenues would underfund these priorities, leave the United States a debtor nation, further enrich competing, often hostile nations that are servicing our debt, reduce credit available to the private sector, and burden future generations with our debt. Our nation would decline further as a force to advance human rights and foster prosperity here and throughout the world. In short, billions of people would suffer.
However, we need to take care in how we go about increasing taxes. Increasing taxes on the middle class would likely decrease consumption and so trigger a slide back into recession. Continuing current tax policy that favors investment income and gains over income from work and savings and promotes wealth concentration in the top few percent will result in a continuing string of investment bubbles and the recessions they cause. As demonstrated in the remainder of this essay, increasing the taxes of the wealthy, while decreasing taxes the middle class, would move us toward and equitable tax system, improve the economy and strengthen the nation.

9. Does Participating in team sports help to develop good character?

Most people agree that participating in sport you build good character but you can aslo develop other life skills.You can build goals to be a better player and have perseverance & determination to get stronger to be a better player.You can build good character or with other people they take it the wrong way and just want to win.Their is always a time someone is going to fail and learn from their mistakes and learn to cope with losing to become a better player.The best part is when someone learn cooperation in their role to play with others learning the value of teamwork which makes a better team.In teamwork and playing better you become closer to each other and enjoying playing the sport which can lead on to friendship and give you good quality friends that can last a liftime.You can learn different things in team sports and I do believe it helps devolp good character in many people.Each year there are more and more people become involved in team sports.They become better people and enjoy the feeling of becoming part of something that most people always want to feel apart of something and feel needed.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

19.Is Child Behavior better or worse than years ago?

Child behavior is worse than it was years ago and keeps getting worse. Kids are being bullied in school and they get low self-esteem to where they get depreesed to where they want to committ suicide. This is one of the things that needs to be taken affect by the childs parents.Kid act out at their parents by being disrepectful,obnoxious,or even abusive towards them to get their way.Parents get fustrated and exhausted form arguing constanly at them. It use to be when your child act out they would spank them or put them in time out.Nowadays parents just give up and let them do whatever they want to avoid arguing.When parents don't take action it can lead to a life of crime or bad actions towards other people.Sometimes the reason they act out is because they want your help.Back then all this didn't happen kids follow directions there we more rules and boundaries set.

14. Should smoking be banned?

Cigarette Smoking should be banned because there are alot of negative effects it causes & is very deadly.Every year hundreds of thousands of people around the world die from diseases cause by smoking  cigarettes.Tobacco smoke also contributes to a number of cancers.

Around 90 percent of all  lung cancer deaths are caused from smoking and smoking is also the biggest risk factor for a number of other types of cancer as well.

Smoking also causes strokes,heart attacks.Heart disease,Cardiovacular diseases,Osteoporosis disease,ciruculatory problems ,ulcers,Miscarriages,Bronchitis and Infections.Smoking is also very harmful to babies.There are alot of problems smoking causes for you and should be banned.