Thursday, November 10, 2011

Are Beauty Pageants explotive?

It's early moring on a Saturday, kids everywhere are just waking up ready to watch their favorite line up of Saturday morning cartoons. Marie, a four year old child, is preparing for her long weekend of make-up, hairspray, and gowns. Marie is one of many children who are forced by over-demanding parents who pressure their young and innocent children into many beauty pageants each year, and its wrong.
Beauty pageants first originated in Atlantic City. It was a marketing tool to make tourists stay in town longer. News struck about this beauty pageant and the local news paper headlined "The next Miss America". As beauty pageants grew popular, a Little Miss America was started for parents who wanted their children in the contest.
The average beauty pageant costs about $655 which includes the formal wear, sports wear and dance. The average cost does not include travel, hotel and food, which can be up to an extra two hundred dollars; and in some cases dresses for formal and sports wear can cost up to $12,000 with a minimum of $1500 . With the vast amount of expenses spent the pressure to win becomes more intense, leaving no room for mistakes. A four year old child should not have to go through the burden of a beauty pageant.
Preparing for a pageant requires time and patience, hair lasting around an hour and forty-five minutes, make-up around an hour, and different performances that require some participants to practice for about seven hours a week. All of this is not healthy at a young age. During these pageants children are judged by the following: modeling sportswear and evening wear, how well they dance, and how much talent they have. They are also judged by their looks how well they perform, and how confident they appear.
Approximately 250,000 children participate in pageants each year. Mothers who have children in beauty pageants argue that their children gains a boost of confidence.When it put pressure on theier children and can cause axiety attacks.

22.does access to condoms prevent teen pregnancy?

Is it really helpful in achieving its main purpose – decreasing the rates of teen pregnancy and venereal diseases?

It seems that after all it turns out to be not all that helpful. The rates are still growing and some really gruesome cases, when teens of 13 or 14 get pregnant increase as well. And the reason, in my opinion, is that easy access to condoms does not cultivate safe sex; it cultivates irresponsibility. In the times when contraceptives were either nonexistent, ineffective or very hard to come by it was not the higher level of morals that kept teenagers from getting pregnant – it was understanding that the consequences of having a good time may be very, very unpleasant. That is, in addition to this kind of things being shunned by the society.
Modern teenagers that are taught from the very childhood that sex is completely alright, no matter in what age, with whom or in what circumstances you have it, that you can buy condoms whenever and anywhere, don’t have such preconceptions. They know that all the negative consequences may be easily averted if sex is safe – but it only breeds overall contempt for the above-mentioned outdated preconceptions and the precautionary measures as well.
Easy access to condoms doesn’t and cannot prevent teen pregnancy, for it doesn’t do anything with the source of the problem; in fact, it only makes it worse. If teenagers don’t understand the seriousness of consequences, nothing short of outright sterilization will help.

11. Are we too dependent on computers?

Since their invention, people far and wide have become increasingly dependent on computers. Computers have found their way into just about every aspect of our lives, and in most cases, they make things easier for us. They allow us to work from home, socialize with our friends and family who live too far away to visit, and they provide an ever-welcome stress relief when we come home from school or work and just want to have some fun. But as we increasingly rely on computers to get through the day, the question begs to be asked: have we become too dependent on computers? Despite the many benefits of computers, there are also a number of arguments against them, one of which is the negative effect some believe they are having on children's education. Illiteracy is a growing issue, and many say that computers are to blame. In the past few years, many teachers have taken to shuffling their students off to a computer to type out short, quick assignments that could easily be written out by hand. While this isn't much of an issue for older students, it is an issue for the younger students who are just learning to read and write. Regardless of how much we're coming to rely on computers, printing and handwriting are a necessary skill to have. But typing out assignments has an affect on more than just the ability to print -- it can also negatively impact their spelling and grammar. While most programs now have spell- and grammar-check, they are not infallible; they cannot differentiate between homonyms and will often times suggest corrections that are not, in fact, correct. Furthermore, information is often more easily and accurately remembered when children have to spend a little time writing it out by hand, rather than a few quick minutes typing away at a keyboard. Because of these factors, computers in school should be reserved for older students, longer assignments, or classes which specifically teach how to use a computer.
Another case against computers crops up when a person's interest in computers goes too far and becomes an obsession. Computers make our lives easier and give us new ways to learn about the things we're interested in. They make it possible to do many things from the comfort of our own home -- we can shop online, keep in touch with our friends online, even go to school online. They make it easier to record and organize information and entertain us with a nearly endless variety of games. However, it's still important to maintain a life outside of the cyber world; a life spent attached to a computer screen isn't a real life. When a computer becomes the central point of a person's life, they undergo a change in behaviour; they become lazy and develop anti-social tendencies, and, in some severe cases, simply cannot function without a computer. It's a common thing to see with children who have been allowed to spend too much time on the computer, watching TV, or playing video games: when it comes time to walk away, they throw temper tantrums. But it's not just a matter of behavioural changes -- when a person can't tear themselves away from the screen long enough to take part in any other activity, it can take a toll on their comfort and health. They may experience weight gain, strained eyes, and headaches, among other unpleasant side-effects. However, it can also be argued that this is not the fault of the computer, but rather the fault of the person.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

5. Is torture ever acceptable?

Torturing someone involves inflicting pain and misery on the victim in the hope of obtaining something he or she is unwilling to give up. The purpose can vary from simple cruelty, as when youngsters on the playground torture one of their kind to see the reaction, to seeking information from the victim that may save the life of some innocent person. The current concern with, for example, water boarding falls within the second category.
In either kind of cases torture as a rule must be avoided. That’s just part of civilized conduct. But is it always morally wrong? In very rare cases it would not be. This is when it’s used against someone whose information could save innocent people from carnage.
In a civilized society, however, there is no room for torture as official public policy, even when someone may deserve to be punished for a vicious crime or fails to help the authorities to rescue innocent victims. This latter is, of course, the sort of situation when it is most tempting to make official use of torture. Nonetheless, it would be wrong to make use of the method even then. It is a basic feature of a civilized human community to prohibit the use of physical force against someone other than in certain rare cases of defending innocent people. No offensive use of physical force is justified.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

9. Do curfews keep teens out of trouble?

Teens should have a curfew to be out until 10 p.m. on weekdays or after midnight on weekends is a very intelligent notion.   This curfew would help to keep teenagers out of trouble and away from the dangers of drugs and alcohol.   It may also help to improve their grades.   This new law could also aid in the reduction in the amounts of kidnappings and rapes of teenagers.   This curfew is a new and insightful idea.
Drunk driving, alcohol poisoning, drug overdose, or reckless behavior while under the influence of narcotics. These are just some of the ways that teenagers are dying due to abuse of drugs and alcohol.   Drugs and alcohol are the number one killer of teens today.   And when is the time that most teenagers are out doing these terrible things?   When they are out at night with their friends.   Eliminating the possibility of them staying out into the wee hours of the night would greatly reduce the amount of deaths due to drugs and alcohol.   Because most teens are terrified of arriving at home and having to face their parents drunk or high, most teens try to stay out until morning with their friends and try to "sober up" before arriving home.   If they legally can't stay out past ten on weeknights and 12 on weekends, they most likely won't have enough time to go out, get drunk and high before returning home and getting caught by their parents.
Biology, D, geometry, C, English, D, Spanish, F.   Those or the typical grades the average student who stays out until late on weekdays receives.   Staying out until late adversely affects the amount of sleep a teen gets, which in turn makes them less concentrated at school.   Less concentration at school translates into their schoolwork, which in in turn lowers grades.   I mean come on, it's not rocket science.   It is a known fact that the body and mind need sleep to operate well.   Also if teens are at home, they could be doing their homework and studying to do better in school.

3. Is our election process fair?

The election process in the United States is a valuable process to the election of the proper officials to satisfy the people.   The people run the country which is why we live in freedom because we control what happens with major decisions by choosing whom we want to decide these decisions.   The whole country goes to vote on a certain day and by the end of that day we will vote to select who will run the country, state, county, or city political positions.   The most complex decision and one with the biggest impact are selecting who the President of the United States shall be.   We examine what their views are and who would do a better job.   Then vote in our respected states with a certain number of electoral votes depending upon the population in that state.   Those votes go toward the overall count of the candidate and help choose who will reach the magic number of 270 electoral votes first.   This hasn't always remained the same since the beginning but the basic idea behind this type of voting system was created by the views of the Founding Fathers of our country.
The Founding Fathers had to examine all the necessary information to make sure that their process meets the needs of all of their countries' citizens.   They faced the idea of how to choose a president that had such diverse needs and wants.   They had to realize that the smaller states were not happy about the idea of a national central government because their rights and powers would be limited.   The factor of their being 4,000,000 people spread all over the Eastern coast made them realize that national campaigns were impractical. They felt that political parties were dishonest and evil due to the British political parties.   This led them to have to find a way to accommodate everyone without the use of political parties and a national campaign.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

2. Is the death penalty effective?

An issue that has continually created tension in today's society is whether the death penalty serves as a justified and valid form of punishment. Whenever the word "death penalty" comes up, extremists from both sides start yelling out their arguments. One side says deterrence, the other side says there's a potential of executing an innocent man; one says justice, retribution, and punishment; the other side says execution is murder. Crime is an evident part of society, and everyone is aware that something must be done about it. Given the benefits of capital punishment, it is hard to imagine why anyone would be against it, but there are several arguments against the death sentence that need to be addressed. Opponents of the death penalty point out that there is a possibility of wrongly executing an innocent man. Of course, there is a possibility of wrongly sending an innocent man to prison, or wrongly fining an innocent man, but they contend that because of the finality and severity of the death penalty, the consequences of wrongly executing an innocent person are much more wrong. There has never been any proof of an innocent man being executed.Our judicial system takes many precautions to ensure that the rights of the innocent are protected. In order to understand this, one must look at the complex process required to convict someone of first-degree murder and get him sentenced to death. First a person is arrested and given an attorney. Evidence must be presented proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed first degree murder. The defendant must have been in a clear state of mind. After a five to six week trial, the defendant goes on to a second trial to decide whether he deserves the death penalty. Again, a full trial is held. Defense presents evidence on why this murderer does not deserve to die. After this occurs and the murderer is sentenced to die, his case is automatically appealed to the state Supreme Court. After that, he may file a number of different appeals. Finally, about ten years later, after every legal attempt and delay tactic has been exhausted, the murderer is executed. As should be evident from this complex process, every reasonable precaution is taken to ensure that no innocent man is executed.Capital punishment has proven to have good benefits upon the country in determining the consequences that criminals deserve. This is needed to ensure the safety and moral values of society. If this is the case, there is no need for us to consider the expenses involved in the death penalty. Certainly human lives are more important, for it may easily be yours. We should not abolish capital punishment, but hold our country accountable for properly exercising the death penalty upon those who deserve it.

18.Do we have a throw-away society?

 Fifty years ago, not much was being thrown away. Almost everything had a considerably longer life span than that ubiquitous plastic bag holding our groceries has today. What led us to this place of having and wanting so much stuff? Stuff that we literally don't know what to do with or where to put when we're done with it.As time has gone through the years,Company advertisement implied that a change in style meant progress in capitalism. Growth in America was being driven by a new sense of convenience and disposability. Paper plates and cups, frozen foods, TV dinners, foil and plastic pouches, aerosol cans, and squeezable tubes were the way of the future, bringing a new convenience and ease to everyone's lifestyle—especially the housewife's. Packaging became the new billboard for marketers inside the supermarket. Why spend time cleaning pots and pans and dishes when you can toss it all away in the garbage when you're done? Easily disposable items offered a new freedom that was quickly linked to the notion of abundance. From then on, changes in styles and new technologies gave way to new and improved products that were increasingly affordable to more people. "Out with the old and in with the new" became in. Once it was put onto the curb as garbage, we no longer had to think about it. It was out of sight and out of mind. Abundance and waste soon became synonymous with the American way of life. More choices, more conveniences, and with the invention of credit cards more accessible money made Americans very conspicuous consumers. With only 5 percent of the global population, the U.S. consumes a whoppinghen we no longer need or want something, what do we do with it? Well, statistics show that the average American discards about six pounds of trash per day. That is more than 200 million tons per year. Where is all this garbage going? About 57 percent of all our trash is buried in landfills. 30 percent of the planet's resources and churns out 30 percent of its wastes.
There is hardly any land left on which to place landfills,so over time we began to Reduce,Reuse,and Recycle.It saves our landfills and saves our lives as we recycle more and more.From the bottom up, recycling has begun to change the nature of our industrial system. Recycling has become in this time frame a permanent part of US daily life. More people recycle every day at home, school and work than vote regularly in elections. The impact has been dramatic.

Friday, September 30, 2011

8.Do we have a fair taxation system?

Few would dispute that under an equitable tax system, the contribution we each make toward funding the services that our governments provide for us should be roughly commensurate with our ability to pay, our financial means. A household’s financial means is largely determined by its wealth - its net worth - probably to a greater extent than its income.
As the country emerges from its latest financial crisis, it will need to increase revenues to pay for the various financial bailouts; our two wars; and investment in the long-neglected and interrelated priorities of education, accessible health care for all, medical research, energy independence, environmental protection, economic infrastructure, financial industry regulation, domestic security, and international aid. The private sector has little incentive to fund these priorities because the return or payoff on such investments takes many, many years to be realized and is spread diffusely throughout society. Therefore, these priorities require funding from government, that is from all taxpayers
Even with the elimination of wasteful government expenditures, failure to increase government revenues would underfund these priorities, leave the United States a debtor nation, further enrich competing, often hostile nations that are servicing our debt, reduce credit available to the private sector, and burden future generations with our debt. Our nation would decline further as a force to advance human rights and foster prosperity here and throughout the world. In short, billions of people would suffer.
However, we need to take care in how we go about increasing taxes. Increasing taxes on the middle class would likely decrease consumption and so trigger a slide back into recession. Continuing current tax policy that favors investment income and gains over income from work and savings and promotes wealth concentration in the top few percent will result in a continuing string of investment bubbles and the recessions they cause. As demonstrated in the remainder of this essay, increasing the taxes of the wealthy, while decreasing taxes the middle class, would move us toward and equitable tax system, improve the economy and strengthen the nation.

9. Does Participating in team sports help to develop good character?

Most people agree that participating in sport you build good character but you can aslo develop other life skills.You can build goals to be a better player and have perseverance & determination to get stronger to be a better player.You can build good character or with other people they take it the wrong way and just want to win.Their is always a time someone is going to fail and learn from their mistakes and learn to cope with losing to become a better player.The best part is when someone learn cooperation in their role to play with others learning the value of teamwork which makes a better team.In teamwork and playing better you become closer to each other and enjoying playing the sport which can lead on to friendship and give you good quality friends that can last a liftime.You can learn different things in team sports and I do believe it helps devolp good character in many people.Each year there are more and more people become involved in team sports.They become better people and enjoy the feeling of becoming part of something that most people always want to feel apart of something and feel needed.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

19.Is Child Behavior better or worse than years ago?

Child behavior is worse than it was years ago and keeps getting worse. Kids are being bullied in school and they get low self-esteem to where they get depreesed to where they want to committ suicide. This is one of the things that needs to be taken affect by the childs parents.Kid act out at their parents by being disrepectful,obnoxious,or even abusive towards them to get their way.Parents get fustrated and exhausted form arguing constanly at them. It use to be when your child act out they would spank them or put them in time out.Nowadays parents just give up and let them do whatever they want to avoid arguing.When parents don't take action it can lead to a life of crime or bad actions towards other people.Sometimes the reason they act out is because they want your help.Back then all this didn't happen kids follow directions there we more rules and boundaries set.

14. Should smoking be banned?

Cigarette Smoking should be banned because there are alot of negative effects it causes & is very deadly.Every year hundreds of thousands of people around the world die from diseases cause by smoking  cigarettes.Tobacco smoke also contributes to a number of cancers.

Around 90 percent of all  lung cancer deaths are caused from smoking and smoking is also the biggest risk factor for a number of other types of cancer as well.

Smoking also causes strokes,heart attacks.Heart disease,Cardiovacular diseases,Osteoporosis disease,ciruculatory problems ,ulcers,Miscarriages,Bronchitis and Infections.Smoking is also very harmful to babies.There are alot of problems smoking causes for you and should be banned.